Flowers are important things for Balinese, since in every single day, Balinese need flowers for praying and also as offering to God. However not many Balinese know what kind of flowers is appropriate for praying and offering such as Canang (an opened-square made from coconut leaves use in praying and giving tribute to God). Examples of flowers being offered to the Gods:

Based on Ngurah Nala’s article (Sarad Magazine edition January 22nd 2002), all flowers can be used for praying. Although, there are some rules in choosing flowers if wanted to be used for praying. Flowers which are withered are forbidden. More over, using flowers that are picked from the ground, because it falls off from its twig, is also forbidden.Examples of flowers that cannot be used to offer to the Gods:

It is better to use flowers that are picked from its twig intentionally. Fresh flowers without bug bites are suggested. Actually dirty flowers cannot be used for praying but the Balinese use it anyway, although, with many considerations and of course they will wash that flower with clean water first. In addition, before using it for praying, the flower must be purified above burning incense with special incantation ; “om puspa dantaya nama swaha”.Balinese believe that gemitir (a fragrant orange flower), a flower which grows in the graveyard, and flowers which are struck by lightning are forbidden to use in praying.
However there are no sources that explain it.Generally, the explanation about the forbidden flower are only based on the myth in lontar (an old manuscript). In Lontar Aji Janantaka, Siwa (a goddess) changes all of the people in Janantaka to be trees. Siwa did it because he wanted to come to Earth in order to help the people of Janantaka and he wanted to meet the humans directly.Finally, he came to Janantaka. All of the trees and other plants came to him to be purified. Altough, Jempiring alit (tuludnyuh) and salikonta did not come and there are no explanations about the reason why. So, Siwa forbade these flowers to be used in praying.It is important to remember that Balinese use flowers to pray, therefore flowers which are used must be clean and holy.
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